Thursday, August 11, 2011

Does he like me? I really need help on this..!?

There is this guy in my cl that sits in front of me, lets call him.. Jay. (That's not his real name.) Anyways, he has started to be talking to me a lot, but he talks to my best friend a lot too. We all have separate desks, by the way. Anyways, Jay has started to turn around halfway so he is sitting sideways in his chair, and talking to me. If I drop something on the floor out of my reach, he will automatically pick it up for me if he notices, but if he doesn't, and I ask him to pick it up, he does it for me. I also got contacts yesterday and wore them for the first time to school today, and he was the first one that noticed that I didn't have my gles. (Besides my closest friends). He talks to a lot of girls in our cl, he's friends with almost everyone, but I think that he talks to me a lot more then to anyone other girl in my cl, besides my best friend. But that might be because he's always near me (because he's in the desk in front of me, like I've said before). He talks to my best friend a lot too, (I'm kinda jealous about that.) But, then again, my best friend sits in the desk beside me, so I guess he would want to talk to both of us.. Recently, me and my best friend (lets call her Alana) were playing a game where one of us would say a name of someone in our cl (The one with Jay in it) and I said Jay. Alana said that she didn't really know if she liked him or not, but she said that she thought that Jay was cute, and she would say yes if he asked her out. (Though, she did say that to a lot of guys I named.)...I've liked him for around 1 1/2 months now. Anyways, not that long ago our cl we had together were eating a whole bunch of cake and jello and other dessert in our class, and I was standing by him waiting for the jello spoon to get some jello. To my surprise he asked me if I wanted some, and I said yes, so he spooned some onto my plate. I said thank you, but he didn't say anything back, and he definitely heard me. Although, he never says "you're welcome" to me whenever I thank him. Although, I kinda think that all males are like that. Alana also thinks that Jay likes me, actually all of my closest friends think that, but I think that he likes Alana. But now, though, after going through this week of school, I think he likes both of us. But, if I'm actually being perfectly honest to myself, I think he might just being super nice and talking to her a lot either to see my reaction, or to impress me by him being so nice to my closest friend. Because honestly, I DO think that he likes me more. We never say "hi" or "bye" to each other through, but then again, Jay doesn't say that to anyone when he goes home after the school day is over, and I never hear him say hi to anyone. Also, recently he has been doing these REALLY funny faces and voices at me and Alana, and of course me and my friend laugh really hard because.. well, it's hilarious!! What do you think that means? (About Jay doing the faces). I don't say jokes much, but when I do, he laughs. Also, Jay has been eavesdropping on mine and Alana's conversations A LOT, he always just turns around and contributes to the convo or asks a question about it. Also, if someone does something funny, and he's laughing, he will usually look back at me to see if I'm laughing too. So, sorry this is so long, but I'm really curious on what everyone has to say! And please don't tell me to just ask Jay if he likes me, or for me to tell him that I like him, because I don't want to ruin our really good friendship that we built up. Like, he talks to me and Alana (mostly me) waay more then I ever see him talking to any other girls. Also, I'm not allowed to date, so I can't ask him out, and I can't go out with him if he asks. Thanks! I really appreciate it.

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