Saturday, August 13, 2011

What do i do about my ex boyfriend?

I have been on and off with this guy for about a year now but we have now broken up for good. We went to a concert and i got drunk and told all my friends that i like another guy without thinking, when looking back i don't. Then i started crying and he asked me what was wrong and i told him that it was honestly nothing. Then on the way home he started shouting at me saying i never tell him what's wrong but i still didn't tell him. Then the next day i saw him i told him as we made a promise to be completely honest with each other, i told him that i didn't feel the same about him anymore because we aren't like other couples and there just doesn't seem to be anything there. I have felt this since the last time we went out as he cheated on me when he was drunk and after a lot of fighting we made up again and i forgave him. Then i told him that i liked someone else and he wasn't that mad but still a little upset. Then i asked him for friendship and said that i didn't want to lose everything between us and he said ok. Then i invited this guy that i like to a party at my house because none of my friends are here as they have gone on holiday and i just invited him as a friend. I didn't tell my ex as i knew he would get mad but then one of my other friends wrote it on fb and he saw and started getting mad at me saying know i have to watch you move on and be with him, it's only been a week since we broke up blah, blah... So i tried apologizing and telling him it was a friend thing but he said that he's done and doesn't want anything to do with me and he doesn't care, even though the day before he told me he loves me and can't get over me. Now he's not talking to me and i tried to wish him a merry christmas on msn but he laughed at me and told me to f**k off and leave him alone. I don't want to completley loose him, i just want to be his friend! But i'm giving him time by not talking to him, however it's only been 2 days and i can't stand it! I know talking to him won't help but i'm thinking what if he listens to what i have to say? It's ruined my christas because all i want is to talk to him. Please tell me what to do, it's making me so upset.

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