Monday, August 8, 2011

What do you think my punishment will be?

So i went to my school basketball game tonight. My friend was doing the play by play and he stuttered on the mic. During halftime we were outside of the gym and i was making fun of him for it. He went to punch me in the stomach and i keeled over to stop him and he punched me in the throat i guess on accident. I got kinda mad. He went and grabbed my other friend who was making fun of him and threw him down by this giant gl window. I ran up and tackled him (perfect form tackle my football coach would be proud) and he slammed into the window...It shattered. Nobody got hurt but me and my friends got out of there. We ended up just going to the movies. But what will my puniishment be? I heard someone told on us. Will they call the cops do you think? Kind of scared over this. Don't wanna be expelled it was honestly an accident. People have thrown rocks at the window and it didn't shatter. Thought it was security gl but idk.

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