Thursday, August 18, 2011

Which car to go for- Swift Dezire or Ford Feista?

Well i have been a maruti owner for many years and I currently drive a Zen and a M800. My experience with the company has been good but now I wanted to upgrade to a sedan. My budget was around 6-7 lakhs so I checked out many cars like Swift Dezire, Logan, Linea, SX4 and the Ford Fiesta. Since I drive less than 1000 kms a month I decided to go for the petrol version. Finally after many considerations I decided to eliminate Logan, Linea and the SX4. Now I have a choice between Swift Dezire ZXI and the Fiesta SXI. Both the versions offer similar features but the fiesta has an edge over the dezire as it has better drive quality, leather upholstery, a powerful engine and has no waiting period unlike the dezire. On the other hand swift offers a 6.1 lakh price tag (costs a lakh less than the fiesta), and maruti's cheap and reliable after sales service. After taking the test drive of the fiesta I wanted to go for it, but I have heard that Ford has a very costly maintenance and poor after sales service. The parts are not easily available and you always have to look out for an authorized ford service center for all kinds of repairs. Please throw some light over this issue and suggest me the right car.

What does Religion say on the issue of a man's semen?

I don't know about religion, but Friedrich Nietzsche said, "The reabsorption of semen by the blood ... perhaps prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces towards the overcoming of resistances ... The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits" (quoted by Walter Kaufman in his clic, Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist, p. 222

How can I stop my fiddler from eating my other fish in our aquarium?

In the wild fiddler are scavengers, eating bits of organic matter they find in the sand/mud. In captivity, they can be fed sinking crab food, fish food meant for scavengers (sinking tablets, shrimp pellets, etc), and freeze dried plankton and shrimp. so u need them to be separated! take a net and try to put then into a tank without fish....u need advice from a vet here's a website good luck!.........

Should we in the west have more of a say in how Afghanistan is run?

Ask the former Soviets...they had 10 times as many troops as we did and were 10 times more brutal....and even they were smart enough to get the hell out.

New poem/lyric "Goodbye, Romeo"...please comment?

It works for me, but I'd like to hear the tune it's going to be set to. It's nice to see lyricist actually employing the English language. This is NOT confusing, and it's tight, a great expression of star crossed loves. I think the song will kick .

Is Ardi proof that sapiens are evolving away from religion and conservative values?

of course not, not only the neocons with their truths with tell us what to believe without any form of evidence whatsoever. did god create man? yep. Did god just put these fossils there for no reson? absolutely. Does God want us to kill all foreign invaders? Without a doubt.

Can macros be initiated when a cell changes?

Can macros be modified in VBA somehow to make it so that when a cell changes (i.e. entering a different stock tickers), the macro will run? I don't want to push any ons or have any shortcut keystrokes if possible.

How in the hell do you get water out of your ear?

While in the shower the other day I felt it go in my ear and I tried getting it out, but with no success! Now it sounds like Thumper is in my ear and is stomping away! It's driving me nuts! How can I get water out of my ear? I've tried all the tricks I know...please help.

Who is the most beautiful Hispanic female celebrity?

Salma Hayek, J-Lo, Eva Longoria, Penelope Cruz, Paz Vega, who? My pick would be Paz Vega (from "Spanglish").


it's been stinkin for like a week? what gives? i don't think i've changed anything. it doesn't itch at it normal to like the smell though? i know it sounds soo gross!!!!!! help!!

How can I electrify my windows and doors to avoid burglars?

My doors hare made of wood (mahogany) with metal locks, and the windows have jealouses with metal bars for protection. Despite that, my house was recently burglarized and we need more protective measures.

Why has my dog got dry black ?

It is a natural progression as your dog ages, nothing wrong at all. If they are dry looking, buy some Bag Balm or use plain Vasoline to soften up the skin/nipple area. It won't hurt your dog either if she licks any of it off.

Do people talk to you in ways that leave themselves the option of denial?

i think this girl i like is doing it to me. im in the process of selecting a car and debating about whether to go new or used. as i approached her she just happend to be talking about cars to her friend. i was just able to catch ' i'd never date a guy with a car like that' i got into earshot. then they broke off their conversation and acknowledged my presence. if i mention it she can deny trying to influence my selection and claim that i was not there for the full conversation. but i wonder if it was coincidence or manipulation? does this ever happen to anyone else? and her friend does not seem like any mere unwilling co participant. the whole things seems just so perfectly near the fringe of being contrived.

Can you use adhesive epoxy to fill a mold?

I'm planning on using 2-part adhesive epoxy to fill a mold and then adding the hardening agent in order to make it into a solid, dry object. I made the mold cast out of candle wax, so I can easily remove it from the molded object. I'm just wondering whether the epoxy, hardener or hardened epoxy would somehow react with the wax cast. I'm also wondering whether melting the wax around the finished epoxy object would liberate the object from the wax completely. Thanks in advance.

1992 Subaru Legacy Code 35 Evap purge valve?

It's a defective purge control soleinod valve. It's located on the intake manifold, has a few va lines and an electrical device on it, I believe the connector is blue or brown. When you buy a new one, look under the right side of the intake and match the part with the new one to locate it, it is mounted with a 10mm bolt.

Every month we go w/o a stimulus package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs?

These stimulus packages are never going to work as long as Wall Street, Big Oil, Big Banks, Big Three Auto and military contractors are allowed to take the lion's share of the money. I was hoping that by some miracle, the new administration could change this. Maybe they still can, who knows? Obama is trying to put caps on CEO pay and bonuses, but he needs to clamp down on the stock options as well.

Does my best friend of 3 years like me?

So just today my best friend who I tell basically everything, she decides to tell me about a dream she had of me. I can't decide if this girl is crushin on me or if she is just being friendly. Our relationship, before today, has never crossed the lines of "each other". We usta hang out but we are just best friend, nothing more. I just dont know what to get from all this. She is a cute girl though, I dont think I would mind dating her. I just dont want to jeporadize our awesome frienship. Help me make sense of this please.

Would i look okay with blonde hair?

i think wat would suit u better is some warm highlights in ur hair... maybe some auburn tones nd some red as well. it would look great wit light brown hair. blonde would suit u but with blonde hair if u dye it , it would slowly get bleached from the sun nd wont look like the blonde tht u dyed ur hair as from the beginnnin. listen to my tip i do hair:)

How can you not believe in Jesus when this happens?

My best friend told me a true story about his life and it has totally convinced me. My friend married a girl years ago, it went bad, he lost his fortune, screwed up his degree, lost his confidence, health declined to a serious low and spent years picking up the pieces from his wrecked life. He then in desperation made a sincere prayer to Jesus for help to get his life back and find a nice wife. Within 2 weeks he met his current wife, after knowing her he refound the chance to study and got a Master's degree grading with A on every module and his thesis. After looking for a job using every site he could find on Google yet not finding a suitable job where hours and pay balance well. His wife gave him one single website where he found a good company with great salary and good hours. He now studies his PhD and enjoys a prosperous, healthy life with her. He told me the biggest significance is his admittance to Jesus he needs help and spent time to chronologically list his confessions. After witnessing his story, the revolution of his persona and where he is now in life and the contentment he has. How can one not believe in Jesus? BTW I wanted to share this all with you as it is a beautiful true story of a grueling struggle.

Job offer in Dubai..please help?

I have been offered/applied for a job in dubai with a large company called ITP. They have planning to offer me 15000 AED a month with Medical,return flights, monthly & Yearly bonuses and subsidised accomodationn for 3 months - would this be a good offer???

Is it ok for her do that?

My bf and i recently got new promise rings. We've had them for 7 months, but we got new ones because they were scratched. Anyway, my mom suddenly decides to not like this idea and forces me to take it off my left hand because it looks too much like an engagement ring. (its cubic zirconia) however, my bf bought the ring. So my q is, can she not take it away cuz she didnt buy it and its not hers to take or can she do whatever she wants to me because she owns me until i'm 18?

How can I make this stop?

That verse is the best way to learn how to stop. Just continue to say it in private over and over. Some schools have a speech therapy cl, one of my kids had to go to it. Maybe you can find one. You have to try and talk slower and think about what you are going to say. The brain works with the mouth, tongue. Just practice, you will soon over come it.

Medical Cert Question....?

Did the FAA extend the Med Cl 2 Cert? I saw the cl 1 cert went to 12months if under 40 at time of exam and the cl 3 cert went to 60months if under 40. I did not see anything for the cl 2 though. Any answers?

How is a Roller Furling Chose for a Boat?

Contact the choice U can afford and the size of the sail don't get undersized or U will regret it there are measurements for the size U will need.

What were some of Ella Fitzgerald's most signifigant recordings?

I've been looking for a list of Fitzgerald's most significant recordings and so far all I can come up with are lists of songs she sang and "a-tisket a-tasket." If you have any idea where I can find a list or if you just know alot about her that would be awesome. Danke!

Is there a plan for a replacement for the USAF's ABU's?

I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon since they don't even officially become the required uniform until next year. Army has had their ACU's for a while longer, but I have heard that there was a different boot developed for maintenance due to the problems you mentioned.

Do you like A1 or teriyaki sause on your stake!?

When I usually kill vampires with a stake, I don't use any A1 or teriyaki sauce. It's best to leave the stake dry so it doesn't slip out of your hand.

What to do for my fifteenth birthday party? -'*?

what should i do for my fifteenth birthday party?! there isn't a restriction with costs, but don't be ridiculous(: i want it to be boys and girls and it's gonna be in spring / summer.. hit me up with your best ideas please! XO.

Have you ever been in a bad mood ...?

OMG! i know the feeling. I just wake up and say: i feel so ugly today. i feel like there's this huge cloud over my head. And like I LUV this band and i really want to meet them... like I REALLY do... but sometimes i'm just in such a bad mood for no reason that when i ask myself: Do you still want to go meet that band? I'll answer no. It's odd. That's just how i feel sometimes... and then you get back up the next day or even a couple hours later and you're happy. I think taht it's normal and i don't think taht it's depression at all. That's just how some ppl are.

How should I work out over the summer?

Try tibatas! They'll really work you and they'll bring down your erg time significantly if you keep up with it. On an erg, do something like 50 seconds on with full power, full speed. 10 seconds off at a paddle. Do it about 10ish times to make one full workout. There is a girl at out boat house that does these once in the morning, twice in the afternoon, and she just became the fastest single in the southeast. So try it out!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What do you think is wrong with my shoulder?

Well you need to get a second opinion.It sounds like your arm is just still very weak from the tears and also the fact that you cant move and do certain things with the arm it makes me suspect a tear in the rotator cuff that may have been missed.Get a second opinion and see what the doctor says.

The 'Carter Strategy'- how deeply is it engrained in our system and are we in need of a better one?

Does the Carter Strategy provide a mechanism to deal with plagiarism - the use of answers on YA to do your homework?

How long does hari raya aidilfitri is celebrated?

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Catholics: Is it moral to sell religious items for a profit? ?

I have always had some artistic talent. Lately I've been considering making religious art and/ or little knick-knacks to put around the home (tiles with a Chi-Ro emblem, engravings with quotes from saints, etc) as a way to make extra money. I only want to make things that other people can benefit from in a meaningful way, and I plan to give a good part of any profit I've made (at least 10%, probably much more) to charity. I'm a fairly religious person, so it's not as if I'm just putting on a phony smile and ''being a good Catholic'' to sell this stuff. Still, would it be moral to sell religious items for a profit? The only reason I haven't already started is because of the story of Jesus in the temple with the moneychangers.

What should I do please help?

Call them back and inquire about your app. Tell them u have been in and interviewed and they were supposed to call u back and never did. That will show them that hey..This chick really does want the job.

How An Auditor Is A Watch Dog But Not A Blood Hound?

Sir it is rightly said that the auditor is a watchdog not a bloodhound. His limitations are just to warn you , like a watch dog when a stranger enter house of master he just barks & get it to the notice of his master than some unknown has entered the house. The dod do not start biting the stranger. It is the duty of the owner to take action.

Did you know Puerto Ricans have fought in US Wars since the American Revolution and they still can't vote ?

leandt is absolutely correct. this is one of the greatest tasks of today's generations. a lot of philosophies about life and government revolved around revolution, war, chaos, and ultimately death. We must find a better way, because while we all love to riot, We dont need no civil war. So please be silent about your revolutionary idealism. Death is not the answer.

What is my mom's skin condition?

It might be ring worms because its irritated and itchy. Have you tried any anti fungal medicine? You can pick it up at any drugstore or grocery store. Its usually says for athletes feet but its for the same thing. Or it could be excema but I would think doctors would have figured it out if it was any of these.

(yugioh) deck advice?

i think you entirely miss the point of Lightsworns and especially judgment dragon. Judgment dragon clears the field and you pretty much win any alterations to this plan is by far wrong. Also with only one of each lightsworn in so many other monsters you will never be able to summon JD for the win.

What happened to my USB port?

Go into bios, make sure for USB speed that "Full Speed" (2.0) is selected. Hi-Speed setting is for 1.1.


im a freshman but i know i need to start thinking about college now... And i have narrowed it down to 2...NC State University and Virginia Tech...they both have AMAZING veterinarian programs(i want to be a small animal/equine vet) and they both have Equestrian teams(im a horseback rider and i NEED my riding!) ive looked at both sites and VT looks cheaper...idk where i will be living, either NC or VA... i still cant decide!!! Please help!!! oh yeah, and i need tobe able to bring my horse and board it at a stable either on campus or VERY nearby... thx:) ^^

Where could I find a cheap or good Starry Night Van Gogh wallpaper for a room?

Would I have to go some where to 'blow up' the image? or is there actually already pre-set wallpaper? possibly online store.

Scholarship for basketball?

if i averaged 25 pts, 15 reb, and 4 blk on a high school jv basketball team do u think i would get a scholarshp

Can my 4 month old sense Im pregnant?

My four month old is growin fast he has teeth comin in he talks nd does alot of thing his age does not do my .sm say he is moving over for another is it true plus i haven't had my period yet..?..

Should it raise concern if you do not produce penal lubercation or "pre"?

When I stimulate myself, I couldn't help but notice I have never produced "pre". I know why it's produced, to kill bacteria and lubricate the , which is it concerns me. Is this a common thing or should it be examined by a medical professional.

Can some one please answer a few questions about these 4 plants, one which is lavender?

Here are the three plants, Crownvetch Penngift, , Balloon Flower , Mother of Thyme , and Lavender Munstead . I'll have questions in details.

On gta san andreas how do u take the bazooka from ur girl partner when u recruit her?

u need the weapon cheat 2 get the bazoka u cant get it off the girl i hav the game and i hav completed it

Teachers had to turn in their grades today...?

Show them a video on YouTube about how people who do bad in school do bad in life and tell them what kind of affects will happen such as no college no job no money no food..,,

Has anyone else in LA been unable to sleep tonight because of all the helicopters overhead?

Apparently, someone driving a white Bentley who may or may not be a celebrity led the police on a freaking long chase all night long, and there have been helicopters hovering in the sky since around 9 last night. It's now 4:23 in the morning, and I'm cranky. Has anyone else been kept up? Does anyone know who the frick this person was who kept the city awake, wrecked havoc on traffic, and gobbled up all the police's time tonight?

Am I pregnant!! Please help?

I lost my virginity for the first time during the month. I made a stupid choice by letting him put his in me for a minute without protection. Immediately after i began worrying i may be pregnant so i've been VERY stressed all month. I am a week late for my period and i've taken COUNTLESS numbers of pregnancy tests. I took a digital one this morning and yesterday morning and they were the kind that u could take 5 days before your period. I figured since im a week late it should give me a trusty answer. Well they both said i was not pregnant. But i don't get it because i have sore , INTENSE cramping, and no discharge. I've been like this all week. I did think that maybe it could be an ovarian cyst, since i have had one in the past. But the fact that i've never been a week late for my period really scares me. You'd think with all the tests i've taken i would feel reured but i don't. What do you t hink this is!!??

Should USA legalize marijuana?

Tax it and raise gazillions to offset the deficit? Close 1/3 of the prisons? Let the police chase REAL bad guys? End the obscene black market profits? End the drug wars? Stop funding terrorism?

How much electricity does my 42 inch lcd tv use a month?

my wife and i have a dispute, She constantly leaves the tv on in the bedroom when she goes to bed. its a 42 inch lcd flatscreen hd tv. i say its a waste of electricity she says it doesnt burn enough juice to care about...who is wrong?

What do you think of my lyrics?

I like your lyrics. I think it is creative(kinda) nd original(kinda) but it isn't random *** **** bout drugs chicks and booze I think this song would make a good freestyle rap.

How long will it take a commercial jet to fly 70 miles?

The Airliner will fly 70 miles in a couple of minutes. By the time the airliner climbs to it's cruising altitude it will overfly the destination. It's better to fly 70 miles with a multi engine propeller 6 seater plane. Flying 70 miles from one place to the next is not considered necessary for an airliner. But I think a CRJ is good for that because it can hold 50 pengers or less, CRJ's are suitable to fly 70 miles because they aren't that big.

Shampoo and conditioner for long hair?

I have long hair and it is normally straight. Recently the shampoo and conditioner has not been untangling my hair. Sometimes a i blow dry and others I air dry. Today does not feel like my hair is as straight and shiny today. I use Herbal essence you know the one for hair that is straight, curly, frizzy, and etc. Any suggestions on any new shampoo and conditioners I can buy?

What are the signs of a cat ageing. My cat was and is a short haired domestic, but he has got more fluffy.?

I only ask because a friend who had,nt seen him in a couple of years said he was looking old. I guess I have noticed he is not as sleek furred as he used to be when he was young. He is very healthy for his age but he does look a bit degraggled, I still groom him, So is fluffy fur a sign of old age.

Losing weight and starting the gym?

Exercise is just as important as food consumption when it comes to losing weight. There's lots of excellent tips for exercise on the website in the box below. I lost 5 pounds by following their tips.

What's with all this about a lister to z listers?

I suppose it's the celebrity equivalent to working/middle/upper cles. But yes, it would be nicer if we could all be treated as equals. I can't see it happening any time soon though.

If there is a god, why are some people ugly and some people pretty?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what we see as beautiful in the U.S is a huge misconception because most of the beautiful people have had surgery, or other alterations to make themselves look different. I think that some people are not as attractive as others, but I think people that over yze outer beauty instead of seeing the inner, are the least attractive of all.

How do nails attach to the nail bed?

When you get an injury on any finger or toe and it has that big red spot where the blood has collected it is necessary to relieve the pressure and put a small hole into the nail as the nail grows most of the time it will become detached from the nail bed you need to trim the detached part away and maybe cover with a band aid until it can grow out completely so it won't get caught on anything and tear into the corner that is attached and eventually it will all be attached.

Has anyone ever notice Cancer is always distructive and overbearing?

This would apply especially to Cancer rising like president Bush and Mercury Cancer. Wide spread chaos, destruction, obstruction, and absolute control seem to be the mainstays of Cancer characteristics. Cancer never seems to be able to put their cancerous finger on what needs to be done but instead flows ahead with subversion and undercutting of foundation others have laid. Cancers cling to whatever they first chose and never seem to accept they can ever, ever be wrong. They seem like the just pubescent child believing this fresh onset of puberty gives them the right, knowledge, and wisdom owned by an experienced adult. They then blunder ahead creating quagmire and suffering with their endless bad decisions.

Where can i download Command & Conquer renegade?

i need the full version that will work with out the cd. dont bother saying anything unless u can give me a link thats free and works. iv bought this game already.

Which is a better fantasy baseball team?

The 2nd one is a better team hands down pitching wise and better hitting also, However the 1st one has some good things on too such as David Wright, and Carlos Zambrano.

Best set of PVP armor for an 80 rogue?

My rogue recently started pvping, but I'm wearing armor from heroics and such. I'm wondering if its worth it to get the full deadly gladiator, hateful gladiator, and all the rings and trinkets that come with it? Will that make me more effective at purely pvping (world pvp+battlegrounds)?

Would you consider these books inappropriate for someone of my age?

Wow I thought that when you were seventeen you could really read anything I mean you are like almost an adult. I am fourteen and I was going to read The Color Purple because I heard it was interesting. I think that your teacher might be wrong, because who does reports for English on magazines?!?! Maybe you should ask a different english teacher in the school who had read the books that you plan to read. I don't know though.

Is a shetland sheepdog a good dog for me?

we have been thinking of getting a shetland sheepdog but have heard they can be couch potatoes. we have a large backyard and there are 2 kids, 12 and 14. we want a dog that is energetic but not one that needs a 4 km walk each day, the dog wont be left alone all day either. i have also heard that they can bark non stop, is this true??? and can you reccomend any other good breeds????

Culture of narcissism?

Narcissism is self love, as you mention, and the media sells an image of just that: self love. The media, particularly advertisers, push the idea of immediate self-gratification through buying their products because they will make you ier or more popular or a trend-setter. Other media sources also tend to push these ideas of doing whatever makes you happy regardless of the cirstances, or continually pumps law shows, news stories, or attorney commercials that talk about how you are a "victim" of virtually every social ill imaginable. The message is clear: nothing is your fault and you deserve something from someone else to make you feel better.

Why do Americans think that Nationalising their Healthcare will turn everyone into communists?

It really bothers me that a country as "well off" as USA doesn't come round to the idea of FREE healthcare. After WW2 Great Briton had admittedly taken a hell of a beating and without help from other nations it would have been harder. But after that we didn't sit about crying instead we invented the NHS.

Help for legal injustice?

Any suggestions for my stepfather. He has been incarcerated for almost 18 years and there is some recent information to show that he was wrongly convicted and not given a fair trial. The judge in his case has been disbarred for bias rulings in his cases, his public defender was disbarred for being under the influence during his practice, the victim in the case was threated by the prosecution to have her child thrown into the system to she gave false testimony (Which she is willing to come forward and admit.) The was not even any appeal filed. The ACLU won't take the case because it doesn't effect enough people. Please help. Any suggestions or lawyers willing to take on the case will be great. Thank you!

What are some universities with good programs in math, chemistry, and astrophysics?

Those are my main interests, and I don't really know much about colleges. Do you have any suggestions?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"bestfriendsz" or "ex-friendsz" ?

okay so yhu qo ouht wiht dihsz boi yhu lik love . buht he breaksz uhpp wihttt yhu for the 3rd time ... then yhu "bestfriend" qoesz ouht wiht him 3x , dehn deyy break uhpp aftrr 3x . dehn yhurr othrr "bestfriend" . buht dah 2nd "bestfriend" and him have 4th period 2qethrr and deyy alwaysz makee ouht and stuf evn tho dey dnt qo ouht . buht now dey du qo ouht . and both uv mi "best friiendsz" told mehh deyy wuld nevr qo aftr mi ex'sz and hurtt mehh cuhsze dey dnt lik ppl lik daht . buht dey du ... wahtt wuld b the adviice 2 handlee thihsz . cuhsze i stil reallie lik him . lik LOVEE himm . buht dey kno . and i alreadiie criied last niqht ovrr iht . wahtt wuldd yhu qivee adviice abouht dihsz ... ?

Has anyone read Agatha christie's book "Body In The Library"?

I read the book and I can't understand the last part.Josie kills Ruby and the school girl. Why did she interchange the bodies? please help.My head is breaking!

Is he cheating? or am I just PARANOID?

I don't think he's cheating. I do think you answered your own question. Everyone, females too, need some time away from their partners, friends, family, whatever. It helps to "recharge the batteries" or "destress" or whatever word people use. I know my husband works my last nerve sometimes (and vice versa, haha) and it helps me not want to kill him if I'm not with him every moment of every day. Relax. Part of your paranoia is the pregnancy I'm guessing. Pregnancy makes us females go wacko every now and then. :)

How do i get my 85 el Camino to get better mpg?

Do not know how many miles you have on engine but if over 50,000 original miles on it I think I would look at installing a new timing chain and gear set, distributor and carburetor. Specially if it has lost original get up and go it use to have. Take a compression test to see what kind of condition the chambers are in, if they are below 115 or any of them below that your loosing MPG there also. Good luck

Just having some fun about y&r!?

does anyone on the show stay together? well who do you think will be together next month - as Victor nicki, jack and whoever sharon, nick,phyllis, jill! i think you get it! who is going to end up with who?

Why was my PayPal Buyer Credit limit lowered?

bad news banks everywhere are lowering limits after this housing mess. they are afraid to loan anything to anybody. i don't think it was anything you did. they are all increasing rates or lowering limits everywhere!!!

Does this paragraph sound better in past or present tense?

In my personal opinion I think past tense is better by far and sounds more professional and easier to follow whereas present is hard to keep up throughout a story and somewhat harder to follow. :)

Would public humiliation be an appropriate punishment for teenagers engaging in ual activity?

No. It is not enough. A public beating, like that in other countries, would be more appropriate. Cheers.

Seeking advice for presenting myself at future job interviews after being terminated?

Hey, if you were terminated along with several others, don't worry. Tell your prospective employers the truth. Tell them that your former employer changed what they wanted from management ociates. Explain that you were let go because the company changed marketing strategies and you were on the list to be released. Your talents lie in the administrative areas. Hammer that fact home often and tell your prospective new employers that you are more methodical and office-oriented. You might just find your position more quickly. As for the salary, explain your salary requirements and negotiate your way closer to your old salary. If you can get the new company to meet you at least halfway, then you can file for "unemployment" for the difference in salary, depending on what your state's rules and regulations are. Check it out. In any situation, it wasn't your fault that the company wants another management style. People get fired for many reasons. Try to get a letter of reference from your previous employer. If they won't give you one, file for unemployment. Get them on record with the state over the reason they terminated you. They won't stand a chance if you are right and they are wrong. They must file a written response to your claim if they intend to fight paying your benefits. If they do, file an appeal. You will receive a hearing and a judgement from your state employment bureau. If you stick to your guns you will almost always win your appeal. Most companies cannot justify their actions when they are required to appear before a referee or a judge. Too often people settle for the "disqualified" notice, rather than stand up and fight for what is rightfully their benefit package.

I need help with my 07 Honda Ridgeline disc changer?

There is usually a reset on on them, in the front where you can get at them( I don't know about that model tho) you may have to pull the whole thing, because the disc may be the problem, somehow it got stuck somewhere between in the deck and out of the deck.

How to appraoch a guy you like? and he knows you already like him but he has done nothing.?

the situation is I like this guy and then we started being friends with benefits afterwrads it didnt work becuase he wanted to study and focus on that so we stayed two months not doing it anymore becuz he decided (a jerk lol ) anyways i really like him still and i do not want to start anything like no respect to my self becuz i do regret that i started this with him thank god we didnt continue anyways i wanta serious relationship the thing is i would like to know how to approach i feel a bit hopeless becuz i dunno i want him so badly but i do not show it and we dont talk we just say hello but he sees me always wiht his best friends they are boys and i am really close to them but he doesnt say anything he is more quite calm and not that outgoing if u know what i mean any suggestion how to make a plan to get him like me in a good way again ^_^ ??

Why is deployed husband treating me badly?

Everything was fine before he left. He just arrived in Iraq and i missed his phone call twice in a row. He left a voicemail using swear-words that i need to leave my ****ing phone with me if not hes not going to *ucken call. He got mad at me again for going out with HIS friends, and tole me he doesnt really trust me, even though i havent done anything wrong to make him think im not worth trusting. Idk why hes saying these sort of things to me... what should i do to handle the situation?


I'm moving to Halifax for school and I have no car. I need to know what buses go down Bedford Highway that go by Beech st.? I don't understand how to read the maps shown on the site

Looking for home swaps private not council?

offer three bed maisonette central Salisbury, swap wanted bungalow or house with garden in uk wiltshire, dorset somerset or north wales coastal views preferred not london

Can you describe any Star Wars characters without what saying what they look like, wear, or profession is?

Anakin was originally good but later on he became tempted by the dark side and the emperor came to help sustain anakins life and then helped anakin by giving him new limbs

How far is weston wv from logan wv?

i have a wedding to attend at lamberts vintage winery in weston,wv and i need to know har far itis from logan wv??? any help ?

Why would ANYONE feed their cat Sentry flea products?

I am posting this as a heads up, i gave my cat the sentry flea drops, and had to rush her to the ER because she ALMOST DIED. And when I got to the ER they said they have seen numerous cats that come in after being given this product, and unfortunately, many have died. I was very lucky and blessed that I made it to the pet ER soon enough so they could save her. They had to bathe her and hook her up to IV's. Anyways, I just am putting this up as a forwarning. This and HARTZ are awful products. May be 10 dollars cheaper than frontline, but after 500 in vet bills, the extra 10 are far worth it. Please p this along to all cat owners you know. thank you

Are you a better husband or wife now than you were when you got married?

I would say I am, but I don't think she would. I've known for sometime now, that I'm not the right man for her.

Military skydiving training question?

So, I was at an airshow the other day and one of the announcers mentioned that the Air Force are the only ones that do first jumps solo. (not tandem). Anyone know if this is true? Do other branches of the military train their men to skydive with tandem jumps first? just wondering...

My mom is overprotective! How can I deal with this?

I'm 15 years old. I'm the same size as my father, and I'm good at dealing with strangers. I'm also the fastest runner in my cl. Yet I'm not allowed to walk 2 kms to a mall in the evening. It's not even a ghetto in some big city--it's a sleepy suburb in Charlottetown, pop. 60000! She doesn't notice that I'm changing, and that I'm more responsible. I've never gotten in trouble, and I've always been punctual and reliable about this kind of thing, yet she still doesn't trust me! What the hell can I do?

Should Ireland vote NO on the lisbon treaty?

Of course it should! The fact that the Irish people are obliged to vote again is a clear indication that the EU has no respect for democracy. If the Irish government were similarly obliged to stand for election again once they had been chosen by majority vote and this decision taken within days of the original election, what would be the outcome of such a decision. Revolution! This treaty has been rejected by France but unlike Ireland the French are told to shut up and won't have a second election by the EU. Sixty million people live in France, 14 million in Holland and 4 million in Ireland.The democratic wishes of 78 million Europeans are being swept aside by the unelected barons of Brussells. Irish people need to think for themselves.

Unruly, yet sparse eyebrows? ?

There are eye brow forms that you can place right over your existing brows that will allow you to pluck your brows to the shape of the brow forms. Much easier and no mistakes either. Try your drug store.

Is it safe to tell people what state you live in on the internet?

As long as you don tell exactly where you live, you should be fine :) if you lived in a small sate and you look significantly different from other people, THEN theres a problem. But i think youre safe. You did nothing wrong, dont worry! :D

What do you guys think about the Shroud of Turin?

It is a hoax. Six independent laboratories did radiometric ysis of the cloth in the 80s. They all came up with a maximum age in the 13th century.

Does anyone remember my lock combination??

OK....I need to get something rather discreet out of my locker, so I don't want a locksmith hanging around...Does anyone remember it. It is 3 numbers, two digits each. Please, I'm desperate!

Any Nigerian MEN on Y/A or WOMEN, please answer this cultural question???? ?

Ok so i am a black female who recently ended a longterm relationship with a Nigerian male...dude treated me badly and carelessly...i was there for him thru his family issues, i supported him financially, and even took care of his daughter...mind u I am a 20 yr old college student...i dont like to generalize but i met another guy who happens to be nigerian and im really interested but im scared...are a lot of nigerian men cold hearted and users? I heard a lot about men in that culture and how women are slightly inferior but for those living in the US the majority of ur lives...are there some really genuine ones?

Ok so I'm in a definite need of a really great anime to watch.?

Wow you have listed every anime i know. You have good taste too, ouran high school host club is also one of my favorites, if you like that you will definitely like fruits basket. Another suggestion that my sister is currently watching a show called wedding peach (or something) right now, it was made in 1995. But, its like sailor moon.

How could I make a copy of Gerard Way's skeleton footie pajamas?

Buy a black jumpsuit, and some white felt. Cut the white felt into the skeleton shapes, best to draw it all out first and then cut out, then sew onto the jumpsuit, good luck mate!! xx :) :)

Which Final Fantasy game was this....?

It was YEARS ago, before PS2 came out, when I went to the movie rental place and looked at the video games. They had the same old boring crap but then I saw something by Square Soft. It was a PlayStation game, and I'm pretty sure it was called "Final Fantasy something-or-other". It had no romen numerals like "I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII" etc. And the game was old, 1D game. I played it for about 12 hours straight, I remember that was the longest I had ever stayed up when I was little.. Anyways, when you first start the game your a boy in a house just waking up, and you go down stairs and see your mom and a cat. You then go to a carnival. At the carnival, you meet a girl who follows you around. It gets pretty fuzzy after that.. But I remember going into a church and a secret page way.. and then getting caught and going to jail for kidnapping a princess(the girl who was following you) and you have to fight a mecha-dragon in order to escape jail... then i stopped playing...

Whats it like being an M1 Abrams crewman?

Question title says it all i would like some former or active military service men/women to answer it

Monday, August 15, 2011

How can I stop over-reacting so much?

Hormone changes and mood swings are different experiences for everyone but they display common patterns.

What could we trade over spring break?

So spring break is next week and my bf and i wanted to trade someting that smelled like eachother. I stole his bandanna yesterday and thought that was a good thing to take. But i don't know what to give him. What should i give him..? Nothing ual like my undies or bra or anyting like that something cute. It doesn't have to be clothing.

Affordable privite party?

search on yahoo cheeap big indoor private party places and witth the money you save obvously deducting the cost of food ect try and get a limosuine aswell. oh and good luck!!

Why can i not install this?

That's what you get when you steal cracked software and try to use a keygen. You need it for school then buy it.

Do you know how to spot an obvious spammer?

You have to have a good ratio of reporting genuine spam to become a trusted reporter. If you do, the answers you report will receive priority to be reviewed for removal, rather than having numerous people report the same answer. Im pretty keen on reporting obvious trolling and spam, thus they are reviewed and removed almost instantly.

So who else here loves 'Billy Elliot'?

I love this film, but none of my friends have ever liked or even seen it. So I was wondering who else liked favorite characters are Billy and his gay best friend, his friend is great...I think I liked it because it was kind of silly but really sad at the same time and I think that's how life's silly and sad and confusing and joyous and crappy all at the same time and 'Billy Elliot' really captures what its like for a little kid to grow up in all this craziness. I love it, what do you guys think and if you have a favorite character throw that them in as well and why....

Have you ever had bad experiences with a pisces male/female?If so share!?

Yes I dated one and we were good together except for the fact that he only thought of himself. and he constantly lied about everything for no reason, and he always tried to trick me which he never could, then he had no originality at all. For example when we got into a fight or whatever he would use lines from tv shows or something. It was irritating. he was also never himself with me. It was the worst experience with a pisces ever. he was also the first one i met too.

Bird Language, Anyone understand?

I regularly feed the birds in our garden. Today, I was out in the garden doing some chores and one of ths blackbirds came out and was trying to communicate something to me. I know this from its eye contact and he has maintained this for a while. He hopped onto the bird bath (beside it is one of the spots for food) and looked at me and gave a constant faint chirp. He turned around to show me his back and seemed to be showing it's wings although he only fluttered them a little bit and turned back round to look at me, he then disappeared back into the trees. I carried on with what I had to be doing, but he came out again to get my attention with his faint chirping and seem to be pecking at the bath bowl of water rather than the spot where the food is usually left. What is he trying to tell me? More food? More water? (The water is a bit murky at the moment, so i'm uming it may be this) - does anyone else understand what the bird is trying to say? Any advice much appreciated.

Italian speakers: please help translate this?

got this from as follows:S' I decoy live de doubtful scogli Arrive ET mine essilio to a beautiful aim, Who I would be vague to turn the sail, And l' anchore to throw in some port: If who I do not burn com' ignited wood: M' it is hard lar l' used life. Fine Mr. of mine and the life, Before ch' I weak ' l wood between them scogli, Halyard to good port l' worried sail sorry thats all i can do Polish and Lithuanian heritage here and im sure the sentence structure is mixed up but maybe someone can clean it up take care cp in CT

Sending to undisclosed recipients,?

I already put in"To field" my address in parentheses but yahoo does not allow me to send the message, because the parentheses

Your best killstreak in Modern Warfare 2?

my highest right now is 120 kill streak...I'm 15th prestige and level winning streak is 300 currently

The best broadway song for me?

I am a female alto. I want something appropriate, not flashy or dirty, no cuss words, nothing like that. I need a list of songs from Broadway that i can get a karaoke off of youtube; it has to be available. I don't want a man song. Trust me. I've had that before. It wasn't pretty. I really haven't heard anything amazing from wicked or fiddler on the roof. If you think you have something that suits me, answer the question-ASAP!

Christians - What should I do to get rid of these people ?

Haha this is a funny question for the religious department. lol but if you dont like her, just be nice and say "Im sure you are a really nice person, but you are not really my type."

Como puedo fabricar un parque para agais?

Hola, me podr�as desir o ense�ar como puede construir un parquecito para mis inseparables.. me ace muxa falta xD Gracias

Which of these amps is the best?

hifonics is good and so is kenwood. im getting a hifonics brz 1700 for my subs. i never owned hifonics before and this one will be my first one but my cuz and homie both have a kenwood amp. its an older version of the 9105d but it slams. your choice though

We have a health care aide working for us monitoring my 97 yr old alzheimered father?

shes columbian,and has a thick accent,i often find it hard to communicate with her and find myself getting involved in deep rooted arguments,shes been with us when my mom was alive mom had many ailments and this aide was hired to ist both my parents,now,on my moms deathbed she made the aide swear that shed take care of my father of which she agreed.there have been a few scs that the aide has started,and doesnt think she did,but shifted the fray over to me,in other words it was all my shes threatening to quit,my brother whos power of attorny,hired this aide 4 years ago,hes said if you ever give the aide a reason to quit your *** is gr and im the lawn mower! the last time i got in trouble he took my laptop away for 4 months,now if he fibnds out the aide isnt happy here ill be in deep **** again!! i mean,this aide is an expirenced troublemaker,shes an expert in causing trouble.if i do something i cannot say im sorry she gets louder and louder and will not let me speak.i cant win----or can i?

How do you prepare artichokes?

I love artichoke hearts! I can eat an entire can at of them. And they are catabolic which is a major bonus! I like the kind that are not in a marinade because I like to add balsamic vinaigrette. How do you prepare fresh artichokes?

For Xbox Live, if give my credit card details for the �5 option, will it take �5 out of my account per month?

What i mena is, if i enter my credit card details and go for the �4.99 option. Will it take �5 out of my accoutn every month?

Designer Jeans vs. Generic Jeans?

For the longest time I have always bought generic jeans because I am frugal. Recently, however, I broke down and took the plunge and bought a pair of jeans from buckle. I've noticed that the buckle jeans fit so much better than their generic counterparts. Also, the denim seems to be cut more precisely then the generics. So, the last time I went shopping, I tried on a pair of Banana Republics and J Crews. Same result. They looked great on me, just as good if not better than the buckles. I didn't buy them, but I went home and tried on the generics again. Not nearly as comfortable as the buckles. All this time I thought the brand names were more expensive because of the names, but now I tend to think differently. it just my imagination? Has anyone else noticed this?

Does anyone else think ICarly is not funny?

I don't understand how that show is still airing. They teach all the wrong things to kids and I don't think any girls act that random nonstop. I don't see how random dancing or rubbing your stomach and screaming is funny. How did they even get these ideas? Does anyone agree that Nick needs to start rearing shows like Keenan and Kel?

I need help w/ fashion & looks! How can i take a great school picture?

School picture day is tomorrow. My freshman and sopre pics were blah but not horrible. I want my junior pic to look hot, y, and celebrity like lol :) I have short hair, my weight is average, and i am 5'8-5'9. What kind of shirt should i wear? What style? What color? How can i make my hair look perfect all day? How can i sit up straight in the pic without looking stiff? How can i look thinner in the pic? For some reasons my smile isn't that good. How can i make a nice wide happy looking smile? Any other advice would be nice! Thanks y'all for helpin!

Chevy 350 with shorter stroke?

like i know 383 stroker with 400 crank but what about a shorter stroke. what do you have to do??? i have a 305 in my silverado now and im going to put a twin turbo system on the 350 and a small nos system. but i want higher rpms with my 350 so what do i do???

How do I cancel my Bally's membership?

good luck I am still trying to get out of mine and yes they can send you to collections if you don't pay a cancellation fee

Will I p my drug test tomorrow afternoon?

Hi, this past weekend I used DXM and heroin Friday-Sunday. My drug test is tomorrow (Wednesday). I've been exercising a lot, going for long bike rides and jogs. I've been layering up in clothing wearing like two sweat shirts and two pairs of pants going for moderate long jogs around my neighborhood occasionally making sure I sweat a lot. Today, I took three 250 mg Niacin capsules and downed them with a Monster Energy drink, then proceeded to exercise for the rest of the day. With all of that said, are the precautions I've taken enough for me to p my drug test tomorrow? Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. If I fail this test I get sent away to a camp for three months.

Message to anyone who knows Hip-Hop/ Rap well please help if you can!!!?

Message to anyone who can help please tell me some good jerkin music if u have any or any songs that slaps with a lot of b or any good rap songs preferably newer please help if you can thank you

Can someone help me with PowerPoint?

Im making a power point and I have to make a table of contents(I have done this)But i need to know how to click on slide 3 (In the table of contents) and it take me to slide three?PLZ HElP!! D8

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Does Fred Rogers have a lot to answer for?

Fred "Mr. Rogers" Rogers spent years telling little creeps that he liked them just the way they were. He should have been telling them there was a lot of room for improvement. Now we have millions of young adults with unwarranted self esteem who really can't do anything useful. Nice as he was, and as good as his intentions may have been, I think he did a disservice to the U.S. What do you think?

Are Gear Linkage & Synchromesh the same thing?

The linkage is the is the System which connects the Gear stick to the Gearbox and when this is worn can make changing gears very hard work. The Synchromesh is part of the gearbox internal workings

Can loaches mate with other loaches?

lol the dojo loaches ar elike ontop of each other snuggling while the sumo plays with the bigger dojo loach but has his own territory he goes with the dojos sometimes

Splenda? Pesticide?

Wow, I didn't know that...but unfortunately it doesn't surprise me. There seems to be so much conflict of interest out there between government bodies such as the FDA and industries. It is very difficult to trust that they really test anything comprehensively before they approve it. Some of the testing for products is even done by the manufacturers or scientists hired by industry. How ridiculous is that? It seems like things get approved far too readily and they deal with any fall out later. I try to stick to the basics: organic food, natural cleaners, etc as much as possible. You can't protect your family from everything out there but when you hear things like this, it makes you want to do everything you can! Did you know in the European Union, that over 800 chemicals are banned for use in personal care products compared to less than 10 in the US/Canada? It seems we are always behind the EU on issues like this. Thanks for the heads up!

Do you like animals?

That guy is just evil. I want to do the same thing to him because he totally deserves it. Cruelty to animals and destruction of nature must never be forgiven, and this treatment is no exception.

How can I disable the motorized side door on my Nissan Quest?

It freezes in the winter and won't open / close all the way. I just want to disable the motor and use it manually.

Rate this name for my 4th child?

Oh.. that's a horrible name please don't do that to your child! I know you want to name your child after your grandfather, so why don't you name your son David? His real name? Blakes a realllyyyy cute name though!

In World of Warcraft, is there a way, besides character deleting, to change the order of toons?

im a bit ocd like that, and would like to order my toons from fav @ top to least fav and then banker @ bottom, on the login screen. is there a way to move char order around besides deleting and then creating toons in desired order??

Ok the moment of truth...can Chuck Liddell beat Quinten "Rampage" Jackson?

Chuck has lost a total of 3 matches...he has since beaten 2 of the 3 men who defeated him (one now being the HW champ) he is unbeaten since he claimed the llight heavy weight belt.

Do I have to play AAU basketball in order get a college basketball scholarship?

I play high school basketball and football. I want to get a basketball scholarship. Do I have to play AAU? Also, I have football practice during the summer so that would be a conflict.


New music releases with his favorite musicians, a rock-folk calendar, a daily calendar with music history on it, or computer games.

Noodle Wigs and Costumes?

I want to do a cosplay of Noodle from Gorillaz. I'm looking for a wig and I checked pretty much everywhere (Costume shop, e-Bay, Craig's List, etc.) And I'd also like ideas for a costume that I could make? (I can sew, and I think I have a sewing machine hiding somewhere in the attic) So i don't like the Metallic-looking outfit (i think that was from Plastic Beach) Like a simple pattern though, 'cause i can sew, i'm just not that good, but i can make things pretty well. So send links for the wig and draw up some ideas for the outfit and post it on Aviary, Photobucket, Flikr, or anywhere and send the link? Thanks for listening (reading actually) and paying your time, and thanks for your help!

How do you keep a mashup in tune using Tracktion?

Hi, please don't answer this if you're just looking to boost your points/don't know what you're talking about. So anyway i've been making mashups for about a year using Tracktion 3 and at this point i am getting pretty damn good at it, but i am having a real problem keeping my mashups in tune. What i am trying to figure out is if there is a built in feature in tracktion or a vst plugin that can help me keep two songs in tune with one another in a mashup, because as i said thats really the only thing keeping me from getting people into my tunes. P.s. i'm tonedeaf, so raising the pitch using tracktion's pitch shifter is out of the question unless there is some program that can use to tell me how much to shift it

Does Anybody Have Any Prom Hairstyle Suggestions?

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Is C.B. Online Pvt. Ltd.,Bhubaneswar,Orissa,India a genuine Company?

I had been selected for a IT MANAGER job? They have the condition of Scurity Deposit of Rs.70,000/-(refundable after 1yr.),do i join it or not? please suggest................


Rewritable CD's do not typically work in a car CD player. They need to be CD-R's. iTunes is not really the problem.

Can champion a tribal enchantment with a creature that requires a "champion" cost?

Ok so if I play a Nova Chaser, and it requires a champion cost, can I champion an elemental enchantment since the card only says "elemental card" nothing about a elemental creature?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How is this steak going to taste?

Just "marinated" some sirloin tip steak and some skirt steak in a bowl of olive oil with garlic power,seasoning salt,(lawry's), black pepper, and oregano

How can I get a clearer face?

I wash my face every morning and night, with a face cleanser, and a pimple reducer gel. I also do mask every few days, and a pores thingy on my nose, as well as moisturize. But my face is still not clean. I still have zits and blackheads [[especially around my lips.]] Is there anything else I can do without having to waste money? Are there at home remedies? My nose is also oily and I have HUGE pores on it. Anything I can do?

Activities in Avalon, Catalina Island?

Me and my gf are going there for our 2 year anniversary. My boss is giving us a ride in his plane. Ive been there once when i was younger, and my boss says its kind of a romantic place. This year im on a low budget, i just wanted to know some things we can do for about 5 hours without spending a lot of money besides the beach. Maybe some ideas on a place to eat or where to get nices views of the island

Is there anything on TV at 8:00 (EST) that's as riveting as SpongBob?

Seems most channels are rerunning a BS hope & change doentary, and others: The Fresh Prince of Bigears in 'Health Scare'

Cari supplier cetakan coklat (seri TTC dan KM) di kota Surabaya atau Malang, ada yg bisa bantu?

Saya bingung cari supplier cetakan coklat (seri TTC dan KM) di kota Surabaya atau Malang, ada yg bisa bantu?

Did I make up this gymnastics move?

I do this thing were I do a roundoff but I land like a cartwheel, its basically a cartwheel with a theis new or a does it exist?

Why isn't my discus eating, and why does it have black stripe?

Angelfish and discus get too large for a 20 gallon tank. You would need more like 55 to house either of them. He is stressed from moving, and they are schooling fish and should be with their own kind.

If Kosovo was granted independance, why isn't Palestine doing what Kosovo did and ask for independance?

well, Palestine has been asking for independence for the past 40 years, but there is a small difference - Kosovo's independence is supported by USA, Palestine's independence is not.

Could you please explain this....?

Basically says that this person wants to get out of the relationship but at the same time he/she can't because he/she feels the need of that person around, it's very confusing though.

Why are Republicans so uninformed about anchor babies?

While agree the Constitution is fairly clear on that point AND the intent of the Amendment is made even clearer by the drafters of the Amendment, the courts apparently need further guidance. I don't think and additional Amendment would be necessary but certainly a Congressional statute could fix the situation.

Should i take my flywheel off my yz 250 or not?

my yz 250 2001 has a fly wheel weight it was on it when i bought it i cant decide whether to take it off or not one one got any opinions i mainly ride in forestry's

BABY NAMES; what do you think?

I didn't really like any of the boy names you picked.... but I like Adalaide Grace!!! That is super cute:) and congratulations!!!

What should I do about my wrist?

Today during PE, I was running backwards (for a warmup) and I tripped and I put my hands out, landing with my palms on the floor behind me. It got pretty swollen and hurt quite a bit. I went to the nurse and got some ice, which I had on for about 2 hours. It has been about 7 hours and it doesn't really hurt when it is still but it hurts especially when I move it back, when I move it forward, and sideways. It hurts when I put pressure on it or pick up something really light. It also hurts when I make a fist. Now it is bruised (i think, there is some veins that it might be also, but i doubt it). It hurts right below my wrist everywhere when I apply quite a bit of pressure. Should I go to the hospital? What might it be? Please don't just say yes or no, and anything that I should notice that would be bad or worried about? Any help you can give me. Please answer soon and quickly. Thanks.It is also not slight movements. I have to really move it forward for it to hurt and not that far back for it to hurt, but it doesn't take much to make it hurt when I move it sideways. It also doesn't hurt that much, but it still does.

Is this a good lightsworn yu gi oh deck?

if i were you i would add in a ritual card and i would take out monster reincarnation and soul rope and replace them with a MST or a dust tornado and also i would also take out lightsworn angel... and replace them with a stronger card and/or a better card

What do you think of my story so far?

That was good. I was scared. I really hate ghost stories more than anything! They're so scary. That was well written. A few errors, and a few things that didn't work, especially when the character meets her friend. Overall, good. Bloody ghosts.

How much protein is too much with gestational diabetes?

How much protein is too much? I read that too much or too little can cause preeclampsia .. but I'm on the gestational diabetes diet & sometimes meat is all you can eat! (Well, of course vegetables, but it gets old eating the same thing day in and day out .. ) But how much is "too much" .. ?

Underage consumption ticket please help?

i received a underage consumption charge and was wonder if i could fight this! Im 20 years old . i was at a gas station in ohio. one of my friends was drinking and he wanted me to throw away his beer. so i took it and was gonna throw it away but there was to many people around so i just put it in my car. well i left and when i got home i got out of my car locked it forgot bout the beer and started walking in side then i noticed that two cars pulled in my drive way and i seen flashing lights. it was two unmarked cops. so i came back out and they said they were giving me a underage consumption charge. what should i do . is there any way to fight this?

What am i doing wrong?

I need help I feel like I did something wrong my girlfriend she knew I was with this guy and she told me he was cheating and when I asked him about it and he said he wasnt and when I told her that he wasnt she dumped me because I didnt listen to her and I feel like I did something worng and I dont know what it is I need some help please. I think she only wanted me to her self because she is lez and I am bi.

Are smarties now Vegetarian?

Yes that's all veggie but a lot of them are direct by-products of the meat industry that do not contain meat.

What a dreadful dream, what does it mean?

I had the most horrible dream last night. I was feeling sick and eventually threw up: a black pod, a bit like a mermaid purse (egg sack) came out it slowly unfurled with lots of layers of black seaweed, eventually in the centre was a large striped crustacean like a lobster with wavy feelers, also inside were three brightly coloured "other" creatures but much smaller and they were desperately trying to inhabit the other people in the room. It was ghastly and makes feel quite odd. I hadn't eaten anything odd, nor taken mind alterating substances. But it quite put the creeps on me. Ughhh - any interpretations, or any one else had a similar dream?

4 birds in the same cage...normal?

Four birds in a cage is actually good because birds like parakeets in the wild usually hang out in flocks of thousands of birds. Next the only way that two birds mate is if there is a nest or some kind of thing that can be used for a nest.


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Slightly widened cortical sulci?

I am 43 diagnosed with Lupus and mt mri came back withcortical loss "atrophy" and cortical sulci widening also there is a flow artifact ssen in the left lateral ventricle HELP what does all this mean

Can a employer end your tax year early?

I get paid weekly and I noticed that my check for hrs worked to the 27 dec have started a new tax year. I would expect them to be on my 2009 w2 since I never cut into jan during that week. I work for a struggling Business that could close its doors any min. Is there reason to cut it short to save them money right now b4 they close there doors. Also I thought it was weird that my check was like $115 before taxes for the check b4 and they only took out .01 for federal. If anyone knows the answers please inform me on why these last 2 checks have been so screwy. Ps they do go through an accountant to process there checks.

Why does Coffee + Cigarettes= POOP?

I have a "friend" who just drank a cup of coffee and then smoked a cigarette. Before he could finish the cigarette, an ominous feeling overwhelmed his bowels and he rushed madly to the bathroom. The carnage that ensued was legendary. Why does my "friend" have to poop whenever he drinks coffee and smokes cigarettes? Is it science? Sorcery?

Lebron james to drop 80 points in his first game against cleveland?

I think Bron gonna go hard this yr, he understand all the criticism he's faced this summer, when the season starts I think hes gonna run the league this yr, kinda like the jordan did back in the day, when people hated on him.

What is STD, HRC and IRC?

I just hooked up a Samsung 46" LCD and it was asking me about that and I didn't know which to pick. I have Cox digital cable and their HD box btw.

Cann you check my history??

Sweety instead of using your computer to ask yahoo answers to give u the answer for your history homework,try using your computer to do some research cause u can't count on people to give u the right answer or any answer all the time, good luck ....a lot of people here are honest but most of them are not...I know its your easy way out but is easier to study and get the exact correct answers.

I'm lost, confused, without help, and College Bound, with more than one question...?

Start with a liberal studies, or general studies major, and take a couple of different cles during your first year. At the end of the year, see which cles you liked and were successful at, then change your major to that. i.e. If you turn out being good at writing, major in journalism, if you turn out you love your math cles, you can major in statistics, actuary sciences or accounting. It's really up to you to find your true path. There will be enough car salesmen in the future without you becoming one, as for some people that IS their true path. The key to finding happiness is finding a career you're inspired by.

What do i do about my ex boyfriend?

I have been on and off with this guy for about a year now but we have now broken up for good. We went to a concert and i got drunk and told all my friends that i like another guy without thinking, when looking back i don't. Then i started crying and he asked me what was wrong and i told him that it was honestly nothing. Then on the way home he started shouting at me saying i never tell him what's wrong but i still didn't tell him. Then the next day i saw him i told him as we made a promise to be completely honest with each other, i told him that i didn't feel the same about him anymore because we aren't like other couples and there just doesn't seem to be anything there. I have felt this since the last time we went out as he cheated on me when he was drunk and after a lot of fighting we made up again and i forgave him. Then i told him that i liked someone else and he wasn't that mad but still a little upset. Then i asked him for friendship and said that i didn't want to lose everything between us and he said ok. Then i invited this guy that i like to a party at my house because none of my friends are here as they have gone on holiday and i just invited him as a friend. I didn't tell my ex as i knew he would get mad but then one of my other friends wrote it on fb and he saw and started getting mad at me saying know i have to watch you move on and be with him, it's only been a week since we broke up blah, blah... So i tried apologizing and telling him it was a friend thing but he said that he's done and doesn't want anything to do with me and he doesn't care, even though the day before he told me he loves me and can't get over me. Now he's not talking to me and i tried to wish him a merry christmas on msn but he laughed at me and told me to f**k off and leave him alone. I don't want to completley loose him, i just want to be his friend! But i'm giving him time by not talking to him, however it's only been 2 days and i can't stand it! I know talking to him won't help but i'm thinking what if he listens to what i have to say? It's ruined my christas because all i want is to talk to him. Please tell me what to do, it's making me so upset.

What is the name of this movie? (Possibly a Disney movie or was shown on Disney)?

i dont think its right but i can only think of blank check. a kid gets hit by a car and the guy that hit him gives him a blank check. he makes it out for a million dollars. it gets cashed and he buys a huge house he fills with toys and stuff. he uses a computer to talk to people so they dont think hes a kid. then the guy that hit him tries to kill him or hurt him. he throws a party at the end and his parents find out and he gets in trouble.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What do you think?

I believe that GOD helps people who really need him and believe in Him. Of course, the only way to reach Him is by prayers!

Am I entitled to Jobseeker's Allowance?

Apply and you will find out. If you don't qualify for contribution based JSA due to a gap in your National Insurance contributions, you may get income based JSA which is means tested. If you are living independently and paying rent you should also ask your local council about Housing Benefit or Local Housing Allowance and Council Tax Benefit as you may qualify for those.

Co ai biet ten tieng Anh cua phim Di Tim Hanh Phuc la gi khong?Cho minh biet voi.Da ta,da ta.?

I'm sorry but..uhm..what language is that in? The majority of the people on here speak English only, and if something isn't worded in English, you won't get replies. No offense.

Do some atheists consider admitting to having beliefs to be anathema?

I wouldn't be offended if you say this, but if you want to be accurate regular Atheism is not a belief system. It is accurately the lack of belief in a god. Now, Peloristic Atheism is a different story. It is a value system, which can be seen as similar to a belief system.

Am I the only guy who wishes that his hot teacher would have molested him as a kid?

You might think that now but had you really been molested you would probably be screwed up & wished it never happened. Trust me.

What are good topping combinations to put on discs of polenta?

I am a former chef and use to make a mushroom ragu with 4 different mushroom either with a Madeira or Marsala sauce, even grilled veg, then sliced or cut thin in slices, with a a garlic and er sauce browned slightly with either the basil, fresh sage or just parsley.

I want to shave my Legs! My mom won't let me!?

I wouldn't sneak it if I were you. Since winter is coming you won't be wearing shorts anyways - wait until summer and then try talking to your mom again. Show her your hairy legs and tell her you'll respect her wishes, but the hair is causing you major embarrment and trauma, and couldn't you start shaving now? Maybe she'll say yes if she knows she can trust you. Good luck!

Drugs? Nirvana? Help? Please?

I have never been into illeagal drugs and I don't drink. I have some anxiety/panic and depression issues. I have been on script meds for that. I don't think they are medicating me right or understand what I'm trying to tell them. I want to find something...a herb....anything....that will give me a wonderful feeling of contentment. Not high...not racing heart beat. Just peace and calm. Happiness in the moment. Like everything is okay. Content. What can I take that will give me that overall feeling of calm, peace, happiness and contenment I'm looking for? I am on script pain meds for my back. I don't abuse them. Sometimes when I take a regular dose I will get that feeling I just described. Is there anything else out there that will do the same thing? serious. I'm not some sort of junkie. I'm just very high strung and don't like it. Thanks.

Do u believe in evil eyes?

My wife does. Religiously. And I had made fun of her for years. But during a trip back home in 2005 she was suspicious and fearful of her relatives from her stepfathers side, saying they were so envious and their eye could harm us. Just recently I as I sat and essed my misfortunes of late, I trace it all back to the summer of 2005. Everything has been going downhill for me EXACTLY since the time I returned from my trip: lost my job 3 times, health issues, marital problems, etc, etc. I think I actually believe it now. Anyone know how to exorcise it?

Usual teen problem, anyone willing to help?

Don't complain. You could be way bigger. Im 17 5'4" and weigh 115. I wear a zero in pants. But only because I have NO , and chicken legs. But to tell you the truth I wish I had thick legs and calves. Its impossible for me. Every girl thinks they "look" a certain way, when really most of the time peoples opinion is different. Now days the real "thin" look isn't really in. Most girls want curves. So be happy (((:

Rate my yugioh deck 1/10?

good deck!!!! But, I have a suggestion, get like 3 gravity bind, then when you have jinzo and light and darkness dragon on the feild your practically invincable, thanks for sharing your deck: 9.67/10

How do you distinguish the Bible from other works of fiction?

Archeology has shed light onto the credibility of historical events recorded in the Bible. If you think that the Bible is fiction, then move on with you life and enjoy. There's no sense in wasting your time trying to change the minds of others especially since you only have one life to live, so you may as well waste as little of it as possible. If you're looking for a confirmation answer, I'm sure that you will get one. Enjoy.

Making a 40th anniversary card for my in-laws?

My in-laws 40th wedding Anniversary. is on Saturday. My mom-in-law and I always make the cards we send to each other (we're both pretty crafty and it's something we share). Only, I don't have a lot of time today. Please help me come up a card idea (the words, that is). The party is garden theme, colors sage and white, and I already plan on stitching a cherry blossom tree on the from and adorning it with these dragon fly charms (all or which i happened to have on hand). Maybe something like "love in bloom" no,no,no that's not right. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated my fellow crafters!

What shall i do i was ideal ....?

smugglers are saying that if you pay money of 13000 to my account i will send you mobile of i phone 4 by courier what shall i do no contact num and address pls any busy help me

Do you think this internet cafe would be a good investment? Please give comments and suggestions. Thanks.?

My father and I decided to start a internet cafe. So, we will buy a more or less 150 square meter house and lot and we will start with 15 unit PCs. We will also add a billiard table and also a coffee shop that serves finger foods, sandwiches, juice and maybe some beer(or no beer)..... inside the 150 square meter house and lot. The house and lot is located inside a subdivision in which there are no internet cafes nearby. The nearest internet cafe from the sbdivision is far and has few and old PC units. We will buy all LCDs and maybe 3 Dual Core PCs, Intel Pentium 4 processor PCs, AMD processor PCs with video cards that reach 128mb and up. It will offer typing jobs, photo editing, scanning, Video Editing, etc... So, is this a good plan? Do you think it will be successful? If successful, we plan to again invest in another business here in the Philippines. My dad said that it is an advantage compared to reniting in the mall because all profits are ours and we don't pay for rent.

Where can I find information about food preservatives?

Where can I find information about food preservatives? I am baking something using Betty Crocker mashed potatoes from a box and also using peanut er. I want to be able to preserver them for 30 to 60 days without refrigeration. So, what additives or preservatives can I use? After you answer this here, please send your response to my email address also so I can interface with you if your answer is of any value.

Who in your opinion is best qualified for the "fifth Beatle" title?

It can only be George Martin. He played on their albums, wrote their scores, added ideas, produced, mixed, He's always been a 'Beatle' in my eyes.

How do you do a "restore" on a MAC? I was trying to back up my palm from my desktop to an external HD and

for some reason, it got all screwy and I see my palm from 2 weeks ago. If I do a "restore," can I get this info back?

Hayfever: Was yesterday the worse day for hayfever sufferers?

What do you use for your allergy apart from Benadryle and Claratine. Any alternative natural, home made remedies anyone? I've heard having honey produced in your locality can help rid of hayfever. I wonder if thats true. hmm...

Which names are the cutest for a girl?

Okay, so out of the names you have I really like Allison Grace. I think it'd be better if you switched up "Logan Sydney" to "Sydney Logan", it just seems to flow better. But personally, two other names I absolutely love are Charlotte Lynne, and Kylie Saige. (: Hope I could help

How selective is concordia?

Hello! I am an american psychology student with a 3.93. I really want to go to McGill for a PHD but am applying to the general masters program at concordia as a backup. does anyone know how selective concordia is? Are my chances of getting in good? THANKS (by the way montreal rules)!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What happens if you want to change to at&t when ur 2 yr. ACS contract isn't over yet?

well i REALLY want a samsung eternity from at&t and i am willing to pay for it. but the plans look cheaper if u go with a family plan. cause i was thinking of convincing my mom to get a family plan with me. cause i plan on texting more than talking, so getting an individual plan for $40 would not make sense, so i thought getting a family plan would be the better way to go. but my mom has ACS, and her 2 yr. contract is not over yet. what will happen if she agrees to switch to at&t to get a family plan with me? will she have to pay a bunch of money to ACS or something?? ok thanks!!^_^

Question Inside?

Alright I just bought atlanta brave seats online and i bought field seats(seats right to the dugout).Can you me tell if there good seats?They looked like good seats, but are they?

Where can i download song 'La Negrita' by Latin Soul Syndicate?

i can't sing up on some pages because it just doesn't work in place where i live right now -.-" please let me know and thanks xxxx

Does he like me? I really need help on this..!?

There is this guy in my cl that sits in front of me, lets call him.. Jay. (That's not his real name.) Anyways, he has started to be talking to me a lot, but he talks to my best friend a lot too. We all have separate desks, by the way. Anyways, Jay has started to turn around halfway so he is sitting sideways in his chair, and talking to me. If I drop something on the floor out of my reach, he will automatically pick it up for me if he notices, but if he doesn't, and I ask him to pick it up, he does it for me. I also got contacts yesterday and wore them for the first time to school today, and he was the first one that noticed that I didn't have my gles. (Besides my closest friends). He talks to a lot of girls in our cl, he's friends with almost everyone, but I think that he talks to me a lot more then to anyone other girl in my cl, besides my best friend. But that might be because he's always near me (because he's in the desk in front of me, like I've said before). He talks to my best friend a lot too, (I'm kinda jealous about that.) But, then again, my best friend sits in the desk beside me, so I guess he would want to talk to both of us.. Recently, me and my best friend (lets call her Alana) were playing a game where one of us would say a name of someone in our cl (The one with Jay in it) and I said Jay. Alana said that she didn't really know if she liked him or not, but she said that she thought that Jay was cute, and she would say yes if he asked her out. (Though, she did say that to a lot of guys I named.)...I've liked him for around 1 1/2 months now. Anyways, not that long ago our cl we had together were eating a whole bunch of cake and jello and other dessert in our class, and I was standing by him waiting for the jello spoon to get some jello. To my surprise he asked me if I wanted some, and I said yes, so he spooned some onto my plate. I said thank you, but he didn't say anything back, and he definitely heard me. Although, he never says "you're welcome" to me whenever I thank him. Although, I kinda think that all males are like that. Alana also thinks that Jay likes me, actually all of my closest friends think that, but I think that he likes Alana. But now, though, after going through this week of school, I think he likes both of us. But, if I'm actually being perfectly honest to myself, I think he might just being super nice and talking to her a lot either to see my reaction, or to impress me by him being so nice to my closest friend. Because honestly, I DO think that he likes me more. We never say "hi" or "bye" to each other through, but then again, Jay doesn't say that to anyone when he goes home after the school day is over, and I never hear him say hi to anyone. Also, recently he has been doing these REALLY funny faces and voices at me and Alana, and of course me and my friend laugh really hard because.. well, it's hilarious!! What do you think that means? (About Jay doing the faces). I don't say jokes much, but when I do, he laughs. Also, Jay has been eavesdropping on mine and Alana's conversations A LOT, he always just turns around and contributes to the convo or asks a question about it. Also, if someone does something funny, and he's laughing, he will usually look back at me to see if I'm laughing too. So, sorry this is so long, but I'm really curious on what everyone has to say! And please don't tell me to just ask Jay if he likes me, or for me to tell him that I like him, because I don't want to ruin our really good friendship that we built up. Like, he talks to me and Alana (mostly me) waay more then I ever see him talking to any other girls. Also, I'm not allowed to date, so I can't ask him out, and I can't go out with him if he asks. Thanks! I really appreciate it.

Whats your political ideoloy?

I don't like politics or politicians, most of them are in it for what they, personally, can get out of it.

Who will WIN? explain why?

Harry Potter, Spiderman, Wonder Women, Super man, Elvis Presley, Batman, Magneto, Frodo or Witches of Stardust?

I need help finding a missed connection with a man in Michigan.?

Friday March 31, 2007 I met a man at the Detroit Piston's game at the Palace of Auburn Hills. He sat next to me in section 209, row 16, seat 21. He was really nice and we chated through out the game. He even gave me his bobble head that he got for being the first 10,000 fan through the door. I feel like it was a missed opportunity to get to know him better. I think we were both to nervous to ask for the others number. Anyone know who he is? He is tall about 6'1, dark hair and eyes, stocky built.

Who do you think would be the toughest first Round opponent for the PHX Suns in the Playoffs?

The western Con standings are all jumbled right now, and they could potentially face off against 4 or 5 different teams.

1998 micra side repeaters not working?

It will be either the lamp that has gone, or corrosion in the lamp holder or wiring.There is no separate fuse for side repeaters.hope this helps

Mbs Account locking my Computer for Ten minutes every time I turn it on, how can I delete off my Harddrive?

Try four things, download and update AVG Antivirus run it in the normal manner and then run it in safe mode also. Do the same with Spy-bot Search & Destroy, Ad-Aware, and Windows Defender. These are all free programs and do a very good job of removing the "nasties". If they work, do a defrag after you are done with your scans.

Help plz ima go to a mest up school !!!?

so i just came out an ugly school mest up full of bad people called locke h.s. now ima go a more worse school jorden high ! aaaaah!. is there anyway i can go to another school without having to wait for the bus in front of jorden high i mena the projects are right next to it they might kill me. i would really like to go to marshell h.s. its like in hollywood i think plz help

Does he still like me or no?

Okay so me and this kid use to date on an off for 6months. When summer came along we called it quites. I still liked him idk if he still liked me. So we still kept in touch and stuff and when school started up again I told him I still had feelings for him. He said he didn't wanna relationship but maybe in the future when he does and if I still had feelings for him then yeah lets go for it. So recently we've been talking to each other and he's been really flirty. Then he brought up something back when we were together and and I was like "omg yeah! haha" and he said "remember those days..." and I said "yeahh good times gooood times" and he was like "yeah good times :)" does this mean he still likes me or is just being a boy and playing with my emotions.. what should I do?!

What do you think about this sib set...?

They're actually real names - like that. On "Alison" and "Camila" are going to pronounce them is Spanish? Otherwise, why don't you spell them correctly??

Why do we develop new materials to make the same kind of product?

haha "clipboard"...teak wasn't developed it grows...and new materials are developed that are cheaper to produce and nowadays use more recycled material

Whats your favorite ps2 game?

I like Jak and Daxter, but I love Star Wars: Battlefront 2! Oh, and Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

Do you believe two people could be meant for each other even after years?

Like if a couple split up and went their seperate ways and the girl was convinced she no longer loved her bf, yet he still felt the gut feeling he did before they dated, that they were meant for each other? Or has anyone ever felt that? Like it was fate, and the breakup is only temporary? Has that feeling ever materialized for you? It's been over a year now since my ex split, but I cannot fight this feeling, I'm hoping I'm not crazy.

How much can I bring back from Mexico to US without paying Duty?

Are there limits on items purchased in Mexico that I can bring back? Purchase amount limits? Limits on certain items? Just wondering how much Duty I will owe on jewelry, trinkets, souvenirs and clothing.

Can i put hair spray or any hair product in my hair and then straighten it?

eventually yes it will damage your straightener over a certain period of time if you dont clean it ofcourse. i dont think that it would do any damage for your hair really, just dont do it every day or so as your hair could become damaged. really it shouldnt do any damage, it could even prevent some damage as the hairspray is heated up and not the hair itself, but still the hair will be straightened

Safe plants for cats that can grow indoors and in dark places?

I want to give my boyfriend a plant or something for his place. He has a very sweet cat and I don't want his kitty eating it and getting sick. Also he typically leaves his room without a lot of lights and the curtains drawn, so I need something that's not temperamental. Just a plant he can water and it wont die on him. I think a plant would provide some better air for his place. Can anyone help me out I know this is specific but anything if helpful

Which of these two girls names do you like best?

Do you like Edith Evelyn or Ramona Florence better? Rate each name if you can please :) The first names are the most important so take that into consideration! the middle names can easily be changed.

How easy is it to shave off less than 1 second (.8 seconds) on an 800 for my race tomorrow?!?

i need to shave off less than 1 second (.8 seconds) to get a varsity letter as a freshman!! easy? you think i can do it?

Rate my pokemon heart gold team?

Bayleaf lvl 19 Zubat lvl 17 Flaffy lvl 17.Which pokemon should i catch according to Hm.I am at goldenrod city and i am going to challange Whitney

Christians:Could atheist here with their angry post be shaking their fist at a God that doesn't exist?

Or is their religious like fervor and persistence confirmation that they know he does ? Remember, The bible says no one is has an excuse to not believe in God, and that God through his creation has more than revealed himself to them.

Clic Books that are good?

Farenheit 451, The Outsiders, The Little Red Pony-Steinbech, Illusions & Jonathon Livingston Seagull=Bach, Franny & Zooey & Raise the Roofbeams High Carpenter-Salinger

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do you pronounce my middle name. (READ ON)?

How do you pronounce this. my middle name is this: Dionn�. it is french and my dad says to say it like day*ya*noo. my mom says day*yan*ya.

How to handle house guests who don't take your "suggestions"?

Before they come next time, set the groundrules up front - leave by a certain date, they chip in for food and drink, they clean up after themselves, etc. If they can't agree to your rules in your house, then suggest a nearby inexpensive hotel or that they stay with a different family member (especially one of the ones that would be mad at you for not hosting).

Song from Spongebob/Nickelodeon shows?

There is an accordion song that plays at certain sad or redundantly bad moments on shows from Nickelodeon that sounds remotely like "What to do with a drunken sailor". It resembles an old sea tune or some sort of thing. Does anyone know where this sound clip/song is available and what the name of it is? I

Which is better a gl teapot or a cast iron teapot?

I just bought a cast iron teapot with enamel on the inside but my Mom had already bought me a gl teapot that I didn't know about. I don't know which is better or if they are used with different teas or what are the comparisons for the 2? Any info, tips or help is greatly appreciated!!!

Who was st. maximilian kobe and how did he exemplify christ in a heroic way?

He was a Polish Franciscan priest who concentrated on printing pamphlets propagating the faith. He was seized by the Nazis and sent to Auschwitz. While there, a prisoner escaped and to punish the others, the commandant chose ten people to die to dissuade further escapes. A man chosen by random became unglued crying out who will care for my wife and children, my wife and children, what about my wife and children? Kolbe felt compion for him and began to walk forward. The guards were stunned, normally they would have shot anyone who got out of line but they let him go. He asked to take the place of the man worried about his family. The commandant allowed it and he and the others were put in a cell and starved to death. All the while, it took almost 2 weeks, they could hear Kolbe praying and singing, encouraging the others. He exemplified Christ by paying the price for another, dying in his place.

Atheists- do you like to insult Christians?

No. Sometimes christians confuse being honest with being rude or insultings. I would not call anyone a moron or stupid. I prefer ignorant as we are all ignorant about different things. I find it odd that most atheists know the christian religion/bible better than most christians. Then again I forget that many atheists use to be christians.

Why does my German Shepard's Hips pop? Please Answer.?

He is a 8 year old german Shepard long haired. It is only when he runs like there trot and lope gaits. He doesn't limp or run funny, doesn't seem to be in pain i can play with his hips like pet him and he leans into it. You can hear them pop and if you put his hands on his hips when he runs you can feel it. also what is the best gait to tell if your dog is limping.

Name of rap song about 9/11?

it was about a man and his wife having an argument over him going to work and not staying. he got on a plane and the song ended with something about that fateful day septemer eleventh.

Do any of you ever comment on the news?

What will it accomplish? debating an issue is one thing but randomly stating your opinion doesn't do anything for me. Mostly cause I don't care about your opinion

Accounts of the Flood are contained in both the Gilgamesh Epic and:?

The epic also talks of ogres, and a giant raised by a Sun God, amongst other things. Gilgamesh is an epic poem and is no way a reliable sauce, and neither are any of the other texts you mentioned. Flood myths have been around for many thousands of years, since the beginning of civilisation. But so have myths of dragons and ghosts - it doesn't necessarily mean they are real. Early humans had a great connection with water and the ocean and sea's of the world, both for food as well as travel. Of course, myths would arise about the ocean and apparent floods.

Do you believe that aliens exist?

yup i do belive and if they do come too earth there is a huge chance we will be exterminated or they will keep a certain race and we will be slaves for sure....and i like how u think

I'm having problems with the California Department Of Real Estate?

I had a similar problem a few weeks back. save time and read through over at

Getting Rid of loads of Black Heads When you Have Sensitive Skin, And Dry Skin On Ur Face, Also take Acne Medi

I tried to get rid of some, but failed. Stuff I bought jus made it all red and it jus wasn't good. Something that doesn't sensitive the skin, What kind Of everyday routine Should I Follow? Also My face has dry skin, hate that the most, but got stuff to help with the dryskin, some Avon thing that works. Anyways Was also considering one of them Facial Things Don't know if that would be good. I jus have these stupid black dots all over. Also Take Pro-Active which I like, Stuff Works Great. Well Steps to get rid of these things,,, Help PLEASE.

Fish help!?

i own a tiger oscar and a jack dimpsey.. the oscar eats the crazy.. always hungry.. what the appropriate amount i should feed him? and also.. the tank was rather cloudy, so i put some clearing solution in there. but i think i might of put to much.. the water is turning to a dingy color. nothing to serious, but definitely noticable.. anyone have any insight??

Question about Kuraz and rate/fix my monarch deck?!?

All Monarchs can be Special Summoned by means such as Call of the Haunted, but only Kuraz gets his effect that way. To Normal Summon ANY lvl 5 or 6 monster, you need to tribute a monster. Kuraz doesn't have any sort of Special Summoning condition that states "This card can be Special Summoned by...", just that he gets his effect WHEN he is Special Summoned by another card effect.

Smith and Wesson fixed blade knife?

I'm looking for a solid knife for hunting, fishing, camping etc. and i came across the smith and wesson search and rescue knife. for about 20 dollars i could have it but I am wondering if it is made in china, i like to have a good homemade product of the USA.

Rate my pokemon platinum team!!!!?

sounds like a nicely balanced team... however im not a big fan of using legendaries in my main party but if it works for you have at it. and as for your last choice... gibble sounds good garchomp would be a great addition they are strong and fast. i like breeding them, some i use in trades ,people love to see things like that on gts lol! ... ps b.t.w.... if i were you i would make some good use of empoleon's dual types ... water and steel... throw in a steel move and it will be a beast!

Wearing boyfriends ACU's for airsoft?

So my boyfriend is in the Airforce and he gave me a pair of ACU's to play airsoft in but I hear that wearing them with his name patch and Airforce patch is illegal. Is this true because I dont want to destroy his uniform.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Okay for a young girl to walk around montreal alone?

uhm...okay I'm 16 now but I've been taking the metro and bus to get around by myself since I was probably 12 or 13. we have like virtually no crime in montreal and like it was said before, you might have to deal with some pickup lines, but that's really all, besides, mcgill is full of people exactly your age so I doubt you'll draw any attention to yourself...

I want to get my boyfriend a spontaneous gift?

If he plays video games, slyly find out what he wants and go buy that for him. Gamers love new games!

Anybody know where I can buy a Van Gogh Starry Night cake? It looks like this:?

Just find a bakery which has a icing printer. Anyone which claims to put your picture on a cake would also do any piece of art you want.

Throwback jerseys???

What is a throwback jersey and where can I find one?? My fiance said he wants one and I want to get him one for Valentines day, but don't know where to start....THANKS!!

Payment of advance tax on LTCG?

Property sold in May 09 with liabilty for LTCG. Having second thoughts on investing in a flat, but decision can be taken only by mid November 09. Can I combine and pay the advance tax of Sept. 09 alongwith December 09 if undecided by then on buying flat? What would be the penalty for delaying this payment by three months. I am a senior citizen with only bank interest income of around 2 lakhs for current FY.

How to commit sucide without much pain.?

amm guys can some one please tell me how to commit painless sucide and if u suggest something please give additional info ..thanks for helping ..and i really need some serious help .

Why don't they use a brighter led light in pico projectors?

the lights they use are like 10 luminems but I have a led flashlight that has 120 why don't they use a brighter light?

Whats a good website to buy nice rifles and cl three weapons from?

Full autos produced after May 1986 like the HK 416 and ACR are Military and Law Enforcement only. You will not see these for sell out side of they semi-auto variant. There is only 100,000 legally transferable full autos in the U.S. period. Anyhow, check out Impact,, or If those three doesn't have what you're looking for, it's probably not for sell...either by owner or the government.

I had a meibomian cysts (or 'chalazion') removed by an operation 2 days ago...?

I had a meibomian cyst on my top eye lid and 2 days ago (the day before yesterday) by an operation under general anaesthetic. Today I have bruising but I can still feel a small lump where the cyst used to be. Is this normal?

In a vegan society, how would vitamin B12 be obtained?

Would there be some way of chemically synthesizing this vitamin? Would a small number of animals need to be humanely slaughtered to obtain enough B12 to put in our food (or in oral vitamins)? From what I understand, even bacteria produce B12, so we could even grow bacterial cultures to obtain it.

Athiests, If you are about to die would you risk it and not say atleast one prayer?

I mean what could happen? You mite be lucky if god does exist he will let you off of eternal hellfire.

Another one for athiests.?

Is there just a little bit of you that deep deep down wonders if you are right? Do you think it possible that given the time to do so, that on your deathbed you will hedge your bets and say you believe in god after all?

What are ways to break my WoW addiction?

I keep uninstalling WoW and deleting my characters. But I always come back a week later and ask GMs to reinstate my characters. I love RPGs and strategic games, but need to stop paying for wow. I am not opposed to another MMO, but preferably Another type of game. I tried WAR, but maybe I was so used to wow that I couldnt get into it.

Early in the war, the British navy...?

If it is WW1 - it is B. BTW - it is the Royal Navy not the British Navy. They get to retain the Royal title because, unlike the British Army, they have never mutinied.

Do you ever get frustrated about just how little you really know about existence?

yes, it gives me a headache beacuse I know I cannot find the answer with the proof I need. So I avoid thinking about it now by doing other things that distract me from thinking about it such as extra work hours, university courses and hedonism.

Do you like...........?

Do you like Dev Patel. He played Jamal in Slumdog Millionaire. I have a serious crush on him. He is my favorite actor. I love him! But I'm having a hard time finding other people who like him or even know him. Do any of you guys like him???

Am I clinging to a dead ideal for the sake of familiarity?

on a very hot day, i sat by the pool with latex pants. afterwards, i took them off and it smelled like fish

What do you think of my singing (link included)?

it is good ....... but you got to relax and you wont tend to got off key and also dont try too hard and strain your voice. dont use your throat to sing cuz u need air so sing by lightly pressing ur stomach and then try to sing by breathing through ur stomach ... but overall it is good

Why are atheists so simple minded with God?

You are very powerful in your thoughts, very well stated...for proof God now comes's and His mystery has been finished and proof He loves His Daughters of which satan hates, even with images of the unclean spirits that have now been found by science...go google Adam and Eve seed gathering and on the about page and services page and all pages are proofs of this now Epic due seasons gathering having begun...much respect to a mighty believer

Do you think that we have don't have all the information on mythology we would like to have?

Perhaps all the people who lived before Sumerians have been found but have not been revealed to science and the media. Perhaps certain people in the world contain artifacts of the ancient world that are predated before the Sumerians.

H�ctor Jim�nez?

Does anyone else just love him? My kid loves Yo Gabba Gabba and he was on it dancing one day, I really like the guy. I suffered through 'Epic Movie' as well and his Mr. Tumnus was lovely and hilarious. Anyone else like him, hate him, what? And why?

How do boxers practice footwok training solo?

Get the jump rope out and you can work on speed...shadow boxing allows you to focus mentally on proper form. As a cross-trainer (for any athlete), sprinting to a "burn" in a pool...the resistance from the water will break your form down, but that's the goal; power through until fatigue sets in.

Do you like the baby name, maizie lei :)?

I like it better as Maisy Lea - but that's just my opinion. I wouldn't name my child Maizie because it rhymes too easily with crazy and she could get picked on. I wouldn't go for it because it sounds too much like a name that was popular in the 1800s but it's not one of the clic ones.

PigMS Maple Story Private Server!?

I play on the server, but it's not really that great. The server goes down a lot, and there is lots of lag.

Is this a bad idea ?

I got a mango seed from storebought mango and want to grow it. So I wrapped it around with a towel and dampened the towel then placed in out in the sun >_> will it sprout this way or is this a dumb idea ?

Is anyone else a kozlov fan?

i dont normally like the bigger wrestlers, but i love his music, he is a greta athleete and i love it whe he speaks russian haha, do you think him and christian will fued, and if they dont who will kozlov go after, i can see him squashing superstars for th econsiderable future

Monday, August 8, 2011

My doctor can't or won't prescribe the only medicine that helps me?

A little over a year ago I went to my doctor with a rotator cuff injury and she was going to prescribe vicodin for the pain, but before she could I had to sign a contract and do a urine test. Like an idiot, I did the urine test and it came up positive for pot which I had done 2 weeks earlier. Now I am having back problems,pain radiating down my legs,etc. She has prescribed me tramadol and ibuprofen but sometimes the pain is bad enough that those medicines don't work. There have been a couple times when I had to go to urgent care because it hurt so much. What am I supposed to do, I don't think it would be a good idea to tell the urgent care doc the reason my doc won't give me anything stronger for the bad days, but I am sure they are wondering why my doctor is not helping me. What should I do? I don't want the urgent care to think that I am going behind my doctors back to get pain medicine, but she can't or won't help me. What is the deal with that? Can't she give me another drug test? Should I tell the urgent care doctor my dilemma? Please help. Thanks

What do you think my punishment will be?

So i went to my school basketball game tonight. My friend was doing the play by play and he stuttered on the mic. During halftime we were outside of the gym and i was making fun of him for it. He went to punch me in the stomach and i keeled over to stop him and he punched me in the throat i guess on accident. I got kinda mad. He went and grabbed my other friend who was making fun of him and threw him down by this giant gl window. I ran up and tackled him (perfect form tackle my football coach would be proud) and he slammed into the window...It shattered. Nobody got hurt but me and my friends got out of there. We ended up just going to the movies. But what will my puniishment be? I heard someone told on us. Will they call the cops do you think? Kind of scared over this. Don't wanna be expelled it was honestly an accident. People have thrown rocks at the window and it didn't shatter. Thought it was security gl but idk.

Vlad Guerrero for Ryan Braun?

I would be trading away Vlad to get Braun. I'm deep at OF (ManRam, Vlad, Markakis, Bay, Hermida) and am in need for infield production (Braun would play 3rd for me).

Where to find glove or gauntlet from PCD "Jai Ho" video?

I love that glove thing that Nicole is wearing in the video and was wondering if anyone could tell me what it is or where to find something like it...

How much is it to ship cargo from the uk to australia?

I am looking to move to canberra in 2010 and would like to know roughly how much would a half container cost to ship my stuff over on a cargo liner.

Any women with HSV type 2 deliver healthy baby lly? 35 weeks and have done sooooo much research on neonatal b/c i have the hsv2. I just started taking my valtrex daily to supress any future outbreaks. Ive had the illness now for 5 years and have had only one major breakout (primary) and since then just minor ones barely noticeable and prodromes (achiness, swelling, itching). Luckily, the father of the baby hasnt gotten it b/c we are open about it and we stopped having this last trimester or any kind of just incase. I want to have a l delivery and my chances of ping the virus is 7/4000 births. Im going to opt for a c-section anyway b/c i just cant take any chances of ping it on. There is a small risk also with c-section but its probably safer. I would like to hear from women out there who had healthy babies lly that carry the virus. I need the support right now b/c this is driving me nuts!! I want whats the best for my baby. HELPPPPPP

Linspire and Ubuntu are now partners?

I see Linspire being marginalized by Ubuntu, but Linspire seeing tremendous growth in advertising dollars from the commercial apps on Click-N-Run. Many Ubuntu users will use it, especially as it will be included with Ubuntu 7.10. Then they may even drop Freespire, and tell people to use (K)ubuntu, and then Linspire will just be Ubuntu with some commercial software and user support.

I think he likes me, but i'm not sure?

I'm pretty sure he likes you. I'm bad at reading signs as well but from what i've read it sounds like he either really likes you or is a total flirt. hope i helped!

Did Ho CHi Minh commit atrocities against his people?

Ho CHi Minh was not your average Communist dictator. Vietnam War aside, were there any atrocities against his own people commited?

Any ideas on caring for a beakless canary??

A female canary in a shared aviary has somehow lost its beak! We have removed the poor girl into a single nest cage where she promptly laid an egg. We are concerned about how she can eat or even what to offer her. Do beaks grow back? She doesn't seem to be in pain.

Queen of puddings?

The recipe I looked at didn't have the jam at the bottom, but had half of it blended into the custard that went with the breadcrumbs and the other half spread on the top. Take a look at your recipe and see if you allowed the breadcrumbs to absorb all the liquid and if you baked it long enough. Then check another recipe and compare notes. I didn't notice that a particular brand of jam was recommended and I doubt it would be. Good luck!

Uri Gella, fraud or fake?

Does Uri Gella make you want to bend a red hot spoon around his pretentious little neck. My girlfriend is a believer. He was on the radio a while ago and he asked listeners to put broken watches on the radio so he could fix them. Penny put a watch with a broken strap on our radio and then swore blind that it was fixed by Uri. She also went through the cutlery draw acrediting every slightest wave to the Irksome Ukranian.

Can you automatically export Photoshop ruler measurements to the Windows' clipboard?

Seems like something you would have to do in scripting. I don't think Actions have access to ruler measurements.

Training for xc?

Well, you're kind of SUPPOSED to be out of breath when you run. Especially when you start. Build up your mileage slowly. Try running about one mile a day for 4 to 5 days a week. Then, after a week or so, add a few two mile runs into the week. Week after that, make all of your runs 2 mile runs. You should be tired. But suddenly, you're probably going to realize that running .25 of a mile seems like nothing. You'll be running two to three miles. The key is to take it one week at a time. Start off at 4 mile weeks, then make it 6-7 mile weeks, then maybe 8-9 mile weeks. By the end of the summer, after 2 or more months of this, you definitely will be able to run 5 miles.

Has anyone elses child had this problem?

Sorry, I've never had this problem with my son but I hope it works out ok for you and your daughter. Good luck

Powerwasher won't start back up, whats wrong!!?!?

i was just using my powerwasher, it ran out of gas so i filled it back up, i think it might be flooded, i let it sit for about a half hour and it still wont start. it is a briggs and stratton 9hp vanguard pull start engine, anyone know what i should do to start it without having to get it fixed

Females: When a guy has a girl with him, does it make him more attractive?

My homeboy was telling me if you go to the mall or somewhere in public and you're with a girl that more girls will think your attractive. He said that's cuz the girls think they are better then the girl you're with and want to know what she has that they don't. Is this true?

Are Jellyfish stings supposed to itch like crazy?

a sea nettle jellyfish is kinda of big yellowish with long white tentacles. if u got stung by one you have to go to the er room fast. sea nettles are really deadly.

Is the Army receiving orders from the White House not to use the word terrorism in the Ft. Hood attack?

Already there has been enough uncovered for a reasonable and prudent person to ume that this was an attack on American soldiers out of a radical Muslim belief and desire to kill enemies of Allah. It is what it is.